The Wallet SDK is written in Rust, so that's what you should use if you want to get the most out of it. However, there are also bindings provided for WebAssembly, Node.js, and Python. These bindings are roughly the same (aside from naming conventions and language differences), but they do not cover 100% of the API surface of the Rust crate. If anything is missing, feel free to submit an issue or PR on GitHub.
First, make sure you have installed Rust.
cargo add chia-wallet-sdk chia clvmr
Currently, in order to use the WASM bindings, you will need a bundler that supports loading .wasm
files. For example, Vite supports this well, with the WASM plugin.
In the future, a plain web version of the WASM bindings may be released, but they are not at this time. You can build from source if you need that sooner.
npm install chia-wallet-sdk-wasm
The minimum supported version is Node.js v10.7.0.
npm install chia-wallet-sdk
The minimum supported version is Python 3.8.
pip install chia-wallet-sdk